
Our Final Frame photo in the fall 2021 edition prompted this message from BILL BUCKINGHAM (’73): “Hi, Fred. I don’t recognize the person in the final frame, but I do recognize the trophy! It is the George Wilbert Cox Cup (and medal) for ‘the most outstanding record in intercollegiate athletics, other extracurricular activities and scholarship,’ which I won in 1973. I have attached a picture of me and Anne Smith (’75).”

FRANCIS ZWIERS (’76), a professor at the University of Victoria and Director, President and CEO of Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, has been named a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher. Clarivate’s Web of Science recognizes citations in scientific publications; the annual Highly Cited Researchers are the top one per cent in their respective fields.

At Acadia, each graduating class designs a large banner that is displayed in one of the many buildings on campus. NORMA MACLEAN graduated in 1947. At her graduation, it was stated that at the 25th year Alumni Reunion, the first person in the class to have twins would receive the banner! That was very unusual, as these banners are considered property of the University. When Norma went to the reunion, it turns out she was the first person to have twins – Peter and David Flewwelling – so she got the banner! The other person (in the photo) holding the banner also had twins, but they were younger so Norma got to keep it! Norma’s daughter, BARBARA FLEWWELLING (’81), attended Acadia from 1978 to 1981. She hung the banner in her room at Chase Court and in her off-campus apartment on Summer Street. When Barb graduated, she gave the banner back to the University because it did not seem right to keep it, but she enjoyed having it while she was at Acadia! (Submitted by Barb Flewwelling, ’81)

TOM HENLEY (’83) has received an award from the Canada's Lifeline for his community involvement with the Canadian Blood Services (CBS). As a member of the Berwick and District Lions Club, Tom coordinates the blood donor clinics held in the town of Berwick, N.S. throughout the year. CBS recognized Henley as part of its Honouring Canada’s Lifeline event, grateful he has continued to support Canada’s “lifeline” of blood donation. As a member of the Berwick Lions Club, he is Nova Scotia CBS mobile donor clinic organizers’ main contact at the Berwick Hall. He helps with donor and volunteer recruitment and raising awareness by sharing event information on social media and delivering posters throughout the area, and makes sure he is on deck at every event as a volunteer to set up, greet donors, support CBS staff and pack up after the donation clinic. He has been assisting with the clinics for the past 15 years.

RYAN (’00) and Christina Sutherland are happy to share that “our third beautiful daughter, Tessa Brooke Sutherland, arrived into the world at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto in the early morning of Sunday, April 10. She came two weeks ahead of schedule, weighing 7 lbs., 8 oz. with a full head of beautiful, soft brown hair (more hair already than her dad!) and deep, amazing eyes. We are now home and while we are very low on sleep, we are otherwise doing well providing Tessa with endless love as she settles into her new home. Tessa has two big sisters to look up to: Rachel, who is turning three at the end of April and ‘helping’ with Tessa around the house as much as she can; and our first amazing daughter, Sloane, who would have been six this year and lived a short life at home with us over five days in 2016 following a late in-pregnancy diagnosis. While the loss of a child remains difficult, we knew that part of the path forward in honouring Sloane was trying to give her siblings, and we are very grateful that Rachel and now Tessa will carry on for her."

Introducing Barrett Ramsay, ROB and LINDSAY (JOSEPH) RAMSAY’s baby. Both members of the Class of 2010, the family enjoyed a visit on campus last summer and are hopeful that Barrett will be a member of the Class of 2042!

In her sophomore EP, Windows, which took about a year to create and produce, Halifax musician, songwriter and audio engineer MELINA COOLEN (’15) beautifully crafts a message of hope not just in her songwriting, but also in how she created the whole album: “I produced and engineered Windows with most of it being done during the pandemic. Remote recording was a challenge, but also a blessing in the long run. I find a lot of encouragement in that we can all still make great musical recordings and connections safely during pandemic lockdowns. I was meeting amazing people and musicians virtually, and aiming toward production deadlines definitely helped give me a sense of moving forward during a time of monotony.” Windows features vocalists Jade Bennett and Sarah Frank (The Bombadils). Melina performs a lot of the instruments and sounds herself with session musicians spanning two provinces. The EP is available for purchase digitally on iTunes, and physically on Amazon and Taz Records in Halifax. It is also streamable on Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music and Amazon Music. (Photo: Kate Mosher)

COLIN MITCHELL (’19) is excited to announce that he has joined Environment and Climate Change Canada. He’s working in their Climate Change branch, focusing on decarbonization, GHG emissions reduction, and program management to advance Canada’s climate agenda. He’s thrilled to be joining one of Forbes’ ranked top employers in Canada and working on files that will have a massive impact across the country. A firm believer that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything, Colin looks forward to seeing where this adventure will take him.

From Facebook

PATRICIA ROSE (’86, ’89) (Patty Roy Harding) posted: “I applied at Acadia in 1982 not knowing a soul! My roommate, who was unknown to me before I came for frosh week, has become not only a best friend, but a sister. Both her and her man, who is now like a brother to me, supported me that first year. Now, 40 years later we all gathered for her 59th birthday!” Acadia roommates (5D Chase Court) Patricia and KYM ROY.

Here we go! The Montreal Canadiens have promoted Acadia alumnus JOHN SEDGWICK (’00) to assistant general manager. Sedgwick joined the Canadiens in 2013 as director of legal affairs before being promoted to vice-president of hockey operations and legal affairs in 2017. Learn more.
How awesome is this? Acadia University honorary degree recipient and internationally acclaimed soprano MEASHA BRUEGGERGOSMAN-LEE (’09) embarked on a virtual global tour featuring live-streamed concerts from the comfort of the Maritimes to her fans worldwide. Check it out.

Cheers and congratulations to Acadia alumnus TODD BATTIS (’89), who took the helm on Jan. 31, 2022 as Chief Anchor of CTV Atlantic’s flagship program CTV NEWS AT 6. All the best as you begin this phase of your remarkable career!

Pianist JENNIFER KING (’91) released O Mistress Moon (Canadian Edition) in January. The album is a special all-Canadian sequel to her debut album and features 12 contemporary Canadian piano works selected by King for their relationship to the moon, outer space, and the night. Jennifer was staff accompanist and part-time faculty in Acadia’s School of Music (2003-2016).

There was a huge reaction to the following FB post about tobogganing, posted by CHRIS GERTRIDGE (’97) on Feb. 7, 2022. First built in 1913, the Acadia University toboggan slide was the idea of physical education instructor Lyman Walker Archibald as a way to encourage exercise among the students during the winter months. If you know your sports history you might recognize Archibald as one of the participants in the first game of basketball played in December 1891 with Dr. James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts. There were five toboggans and all were in constant use by Seminary and college students, and was said to have been originally located directly southeast of the Carnegie Science Hall. They say one reason for its popularity was that it was a fun, healthy way to enjoy the outdoors, but many were also quick to point out it was also a great way for the boys to meet the ladies of Seminary. Thankfully, Wolfville photographer Edson Graham stopped in 1915 and snapped a few photos. To date, the post has received 176 likes, 43 comments and five shares. Here’s a sample of what some alumni had to say: VALERIE PAUL (’81): Good memories! I still had my (fiberglass) green tray until a few years ago.
KAREN MONNON DEMPSEY (’72, ’73): We used to sled and toboggan down that hill all the time when I was a kid and later! It was a great run.
ROBIN HENNIGAR (’65): That dining hall tray toboggan run was always a great adventure and sometime provided a few sore spots. Plenty of laughs though.
MICHELE SPARLING (‘86): Dining hall trays made great substitutes for sleds. They were brought back, mind you, a little more warped at times and it became a balancing act to carry your meal and drinks on those (sled) trays.
GARRETT EPP (’79): Who DIDN’T toboggan on a dining hall tray? C’mon now, confess!

Acadia PE and KINE alumni were present on campus Thursday, Nov. 24, 2021 for a mentoring session with future educators from the KINE program. The TLC (Teaching, Leadership and Coaching) group was created by Professor Ann Dodge and Dr. Roxanne Seaman to provide educational opportunities for students in the KINE program interested in careers in teaching and coaching. Pictured are: DR. ROXANNE SEAMAN (’96); ADAM GRIFFIN (‘98, ’00); JEN LLOYD-MCKENZIE (’91); Professor ANN DODGE (’91); and DR. MATT MILLER (’09).
Acadia Writes

DIANNE (TAYLOR ) PALOVCIK ('68) is pleased to announce the publication of her second historical fiction novel, Not All Widows Wear Black. Set in 1894, independent, spirited Margaret Bell marries Thomas Bishop, a successful but complicated businessman. Thomas’s vague background unravels when Margaret’s father discovers his family secret. Thomas is soon implicated in two murders. Trapped in an abusive, poisonous marriage, Margaret is driven to secure her freedom. She renews an old friendship only to find herself in a new kind of trouble. Revenge, deceit and fraud fuel this Victorian tale of marriage and murder. “Nineteenth century society held fast to its rules. Margaret had been reared with them and knew the outcome for those who broke them. Being shunned by your peers for a lifetime was not something to take lightly. Revealing intimate details of marital life to family or friends was simply not done.” Halifax is the primary location with the city's Public Gardens featured in several scenes. Not All Widows Wear Black is available in Canada and around the world from your local bookstore, Amazon.com, Kobo, and Dianne’s publisher. Follow DiannePalovcikAuthor on Facebook.

Acadia Honorary Degree recipient JANINA FIALKOWSKA (’06, HOH, OC) has released an autobiography, A Note in Time. Almost 20 years ago, when Janina went through a terrible illness, she was thrust into a long period of forced idleness and was suddenly unable to do what she had been doing all of her life: playing the piano. As a kind of therapy, she started to write down all the ups and downs of her adventurous life; her encounters with legendary figures as well as her sometimes hilarious stories of travels around the globe. And, of course, she wrote about the nightmare she was going through at the time. In a couple of years, she returned to her old life on stage and the manuscript of her book was put on a shelf to gather dust. Although experts in the literary world who had read the manuscript urged her to get a publisher, the random attempts to do so were unsuccessful. It took a pandemic for her to take action once again and here we are with the published book A Note in Time. It’s available at various online sources, including Book Depository, which dispatches from the UK and delivers the book worldwide for free.

In the fall of 2020, NANCY MORSE (’80, ’81) of Berwick, N.S., was honoured to have written a 30,000-word eBook on behalf of Bend Beauty, a Halifax, Nova Scotia-based skin health supplement brand. This is her third health-related book, and highlights the profound and impactful connection between skin function and healthy longevity/aging. It clearly illustrates the connection between all internal and external forces that impact skin health and longevity, and ultimately how to unlock skin's potential to enhance healthy survival. Nancy’s hope is to endow readers with the knowledge needed and inspire them to make any necessary changes in their life, to maintain their skin health to enhance their longevity. She also hopes their new awareness and understanding gives them the courage to suggest the same to others. The Ultimate Guide to Skin Health and Longevity is currently available online here and on Amazon.

JOCKIE LOOMER-KRUGER moved back to Nova Scotia following retirement years spent in Saskatchewan and Ontario. Her return to the town she left 40 years earlier came just in time to be locked down in her Truro condo. Throughout the COVID-19 isolation of 2020 she applied herself to polishing the manuscript of her first novel and sometimes ducking into her art room to create whimsical folk-art paintings. Jockie describes her working life as a potpourri. She has been a nursery school teacher, receptionist, bookkeeper, florist, and antiques shop owner. Her playtime life has included writing for amateur theatre, The Globe and Mail, Homemakers, Humanist Perspectives, Folklore, and 50 Plus Magazine; and, in 2021, a Moose House novel, Until the Day We Die. She self-published her first book, Valley Child—A Memoir (2016), the year she turned 80, with support from the Region of Waterloo Arts fund. In the summer of 2020, she donated the book rights and her 33 original folk-art illustrations to the West Hants Historical Society Museum in Windsor, Nova Scotia. She has two daughters in Nova Scotia, a son in Ontario, and a longing for a cat, but has settled for chickadees at her bird feeder.

ALLAN MACDONALD ('86) writes on Facebook: “Lots of people posting about their books here so I thought I would add mine as well – Judique on the Job: The Long Road to My Career, a light-hearted memoir that takes the reader through (my) journey to find a fulfilling career.” You can find it on Amazon.

MARCIA DAVEY’S (’59) new book, Tall Tales, is a collection of short stories. “Hey Good Lookin” is a story about a young woman who discovers that she doesn’t have a favourite song. What’s wrong with her? Does everybody else have a favorite song? Is this more evidence of her social awkwardness? She will try to fix it. “Rescued” is about memorials to those we’ve lost. For some, remembering causes us to retreat into an uncomfortable place; to relive the trauma. “The Plowman” is a profile of life in a small village and the dynamics of loyalty and alienation. Check it out: available at Chapters.ca and Amazon.
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