We are saddened to report the following deaths in the Acadia community
Marion L. (MacLeod) Coffin (’38), Charlottetown, PE Margaret (MacLeod) MacDonald (’41), Sydney, NS Dorothy (MacWilliam) Howard (‘42, ’43), Dartmouth, NS Elma J. (Stephens) Swinamer (’44), Windsor, NS Joan (Matheson) MacLeod (’45), Dartmouth, NS Cleve M. Sinclair (’47), New Glasgow, NS John R. Fiske (’47), Halifax, NS Virginia (Eaton) Wright (’48), Halifax, NS Kathleen I. (Lawley) Love (’48), Calgary, AB George W. Fenwick (’48), Parrsboro, NS Ronald Hines (‘48, ’49), Sarnia, ON James H. Stuart (’49), Halifax, NS George M. Reeves (’49), Middleton, NS Conrad R. Taylor (’49), Windsor, NS Mary C. (Baker) MacLean (’50), Montague, PE Jack Proud (’50), Moncton, NB Kenneth L. Crowell (’51), Halifax, NS Mary A. (MacConnell) Mehaffey (’51), Yarmouth, NS Dorothy I. (Bailey) MacDonald (’52), Truro, NS Margaret (MacKay) Mooney (’52), Kingston, ON Hugh Fairn (‘52, ’53), Kentville, NS Robert J. Horne (’54), New Minas, NS Hubert R. Whitehead (’54), Pointe-Claire, QC Douglas H. Loring (‘54, ’56), Oakfield, NS Rev. Harold K. Beaumont (‘54, ‘59, ’77), Cambridge Stations, NS Harry B. McKinley (’56), Bedford, NS Wes McDavid (’57), Nepean, ON Rodney E. Vaughan (’57), Halifax, NS Burton L. Russell (‘57, ’58), Kentville, NS Angela G. (Nicholson) Hinchliffe (’58), Swan River, MB Robert D. Burgher (’59), Port Williams, NS Mary (Olsen) Bruening (’60), Ann Arbor, MI Hugh B. Boyd (’60), St. Petersburg, FL Glen M. Manthorne (’60), Amherst, NS James W. Wilson (‘61, ’63), Albert Bridge, NS Lamont K. Larkin (‘61, ’62), Kentville, NS Allen Hallett (‘61, ’64), Richmond Hill, ON Douglas Barbour (’62), Edmonton, AB Rick W. Chenhall (’62), Dartmouth, NS Dorothy V. (Crossman) Hayward (‘62, ’68), Fredericton, NB Richard W. Brown (’64), Kentville, NS Vincent J. Pike (’64), St. John's, NL Allison G. Gillis (‘64, ’75), Pugwash, NS Laurie W. Geddes (’66), Vancouver, BC Rev. David O. Chisling (‘66, ’69), Port Hope, ON Harrison Goodwin Jr. (’67), Riverview, NB
Alexa McDonough (’67, ’12 HON), Halifax, NS Brian D. MacTavish (“68), Pickering, ON Lee D. Barro (’68), Dartmouth, NS Joan (Templeman) Eaton (’68), Wolfville, NS Connie P. Crowe (‘68, ’69), Brighton, ON Donna (Atkinson) Urquhart (’69), Halifax, NS Bob A. Wilson (’69), Halifax, NS Harland C. Lockhart (’69), Kelowna, BC Rev. Roger H. Prentice (‘69, ’08 HON), Wolfville, NS Peter Goucher (‘69, ’71), Wolfville, NS Norma J. (MacKinnon) Richardson (’70), Brookfield, NS Bruce N. Connolly (’73), Windsor, NS Paul Healy (’73), Elmsdale, NS David Simpson (’75), Mahone Bay, NS Wayne Lee (’75, ’82), Cumberland, ON Leah M. Mosher (’76), Belleville, ON Ian D. Mosher (‘79, ’80), Wolfville, NS Anne Marie Ryan (‘79, 82), Halifax, NS John W. K. Coleman (’81), Amherst, NS Michael R. Mills (’81), Bridgewater, NS Sylvia Ostry (’81 HON), Toronto, ON Mary A. (Stevens) Chevalier (‘83, ’90), Musquodoboit Harbour, NS Dorothy G. Walker Robbins (’83 HON), Wolfville, NS Wallace M. Casey (’84), Westminster, MD Rev. Solomon A. Babalola (’84), Columbia, SC Rani J. (Aunins) Morris (’87), Mission, BC Ronald S. Seney (’87), New Germany, NS Gregory Bourque (’89), San Diego, CA Marguerite A. (Jones) Parker (’90), Smith's Cove, NS Scott D. MacDonald (’91), Sandford, NS Christine (Coolen) Kendrick (’92), New Minas, NS Theresa R. Emberly (’94), Halifax, NS Jennifer Foster (’95), Port Williams, NS Catherine L. Wilson (’96), Bedford, NS Richard Goldbloom (’05 HON), Halifax, NS Tiffany L. Clarke (’06), Bedford, NS Paul Kells (’11 HON), Halifax, NS Sarah Wilson (‘20, ’22), Yarmouth, NS Peter G. Crossman, (HOR), Dieppe, NB Gail Petrykanyn Davies (ASSO), Sarasota, FL Rosemary S. Feener (ASSO), Wolfville, NS Patricia M. Arnburg, Port Williams, NS Lorenzo Dredge, Southwest Margaree, NS Patrick O'Neill, Wolfville, NS Muck Reading, Kentville, NS John Vaillancourt, Toronto, ON
We produce this list to the best of our ability with the information provided. If there is a discrepancy or error, please contact the Office of Advancement at 902.585.1459.