Dr. Peter Ricketts , President and Vice-Chancellor
A fond farewell, with gratitude and respect
This is my favourite time at Acadia, when the campus embraces all the possibilities and potential of glorious new days, and a powerful sense of optimism and anticipation pervades. Another academic year has concluded in fine style. We welcomed six new Honorary Degree recipients to the Acadia family in May (see Page 6 in this edition for more) and came together to wish this year’s cohort of graduating students all the best as they crossed the stage in University Hall to become full-fledged members of our burgeoning alumni community. It was a moment of passage evoking transition, the movement from one phase of life to the next in a seamless continuity that I’m sure was energizing and uplifting. How exciting to conclude one journey and look ahead with equal measure of determination and ambition to a future governed by carpe diem; a readiness to seize the day and apply the knowledge gleaned from a transformational combination of academic and personal growth at Acadia. Believe me, I can relate. As noted in a previous message in this publication, I will be concluding my term as Acadia’s President and Vice-Chancellor later this month. Given the juxtaposition of circumstances, perhaps you can appreciate that I’m in a somewhat reflective mood. The last six years have been characterized by hope and opportunity, but disrupted by crisis in a way that all of us in the Acadia family have learned to adapt to rapidly changing situations. Our strategic plan, which focuses on transforming lives for a transforming world, was approved by the Board of Governors a week before we were plunged into pandemic lockdown, and the world literally transformed before our eyes. In a very short time, we had to adopt new ways of delivering the educational experience our students have come to love and expect, and simultaneously chart a path to ensure that future generations of Acadia students, faculty, staff and alumni would not be jeopardized. I recently spoke at an alumni event about my term as President, and I entitled it, “Leading Through Crisis; Planning for the Future”. This dichotomy of remaining strategic while having to make decisions on day-to-day survival is something that no one imagines they will have to manage. As I have said on many occasions, there was no rulebook for dealing with that crisis but we got through it, and I believe that Acadia has emerged stronger than we could have imagined during those dark days of the summer of 2020. I believe adversity is a crucible with transformative properties, and I can say without qualification that I am different now in so many good and positive ways than when my tenure as President began. I have learned much, and as I conclude my term and look toward retirement, I am overcome with gratitude and respect for the many lessons and insights acquired throughout this wonderful and challenging journey. We have shared incredible experiences and I leave Acadia with many fond memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Indeed, Acadia will remain forevermore in my heart. I want to thank my administrative colleagues as well as our faculty, staff, students, alumni, the Acadia Alumni Association and donors for their support, good counsel and timely wisdom. You have made my job easier and eminently more interesting, and I am indebted to each of you. All players have contributed to the University’s ongoing success and the good news is, the story continues to be written. What we have been through and accomplished together has been extraordinary, and I look forward to even bigger and better things for Acadia in the future. We are on the cusp of unparalleled opportunity, and I can’t wait to see what happens next! With sincere affection, and many thanks.
In Acadia spirit,

Dr. Peter Ricketts President and Vice-Chancellor
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