Acadia the springboard to a lifetime of wonderful memories and relationships for Pete and Sandi Connelly
The number one song when Pete Connelly graduated from Acadia in 1964 was ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’ by the Beatles. Oh Henry bars went for a nickel, and 10 cents was enough to buy a comic book at the local variety store. Lester Pearson was Canadian Prime Minister and Lyndon Johnson was President of the United States.
Bob Stead Award honours outstanding legacy, supports LGBTQ2+ students at Acadia
The Town of Wolfville, in cooperation with Acadia’s Office of Advancement, has established an award to commemorate the life and legacy of Wolfville Mayor Emeritus and Assistant Registrar and Director of Admissions at Acadia, Robert ‘Bob’ Stead ('63).

New financial awards dismantle barriers to post-secondary education, promote anti-racism initiatives
Acadia University is committed to amplifying conversations about deeply entrenched inequities by supporting Black and Indigenous students, focusing on anti-racism initiatives, and dismantling barriers to post-secondary education through the creation of new financial awards for these students, including the Black Lives Matter and Truth and Reconciliation Commission (BLM/TRC) Awards, the Lalia Halfkenny Award, and the Edwin Borden Awards.
Acadia mania and the art of home cooking for health and pleasure
Brita Housez’s (’64) decision to attend Acadia put her on the path to a full and rewarding life, replete with challenges and accomplishment, unfettered creative expression and practical contributions to a healthier planet.

The Campaign for Acadia
The Campaign for Acadia concluded in December 2020, exceeding its $75-million goal by nearly $12 million and amassing a total of $86.8 million to support four pillars of thematic endeavour: Transform, Inspire, Discover and Build. Our report details the Campaign’s remarkable success and illustrates in no small way the positive impact it continues to have on #AcadiaU, now and in the future. Check it out: https://bit.ly/3ANop1B

Giving Thanks
Jennie Rand
#AcadiaU Associate Professor Jennie Rand ('99) knows the difference donations can make. Crediting her positive experience as a student at Acadia, Jennie returned to campus to teach and continue her research into water and wastewater treatment. Receiving a Harrison McCain Faculty Award allowed her to work with new technology on campus and create exciting learning environments for her students. “Donations (show) that somebody really cares, that somebody thinks enough of this institution and of the students that attend this institution to make an investment in them.”
Victoria Stevens
Originally from Maine, USA, Victoria Stevens (’21) is a proud #AcadiaU Math and Computer Science graduate. A strong student, Victoria was concerned when applying for post-secondary school that her good grades wouldn’t be acknowledged. However, receiving the MacNeill Scholar-Bursary from Acadia “was such a relief, and I was so grateful to know that my hard work (was) noticed.” The MacNeill Scholar-Bursary is available through the kindness and generosity of Dr. H. Gordon MacNeill, (BA ’48, DCL ’87, DD Knox College) and Barbara MacLellan MacNeill (BA ’50).